title="Hinton Charterhouse Parish Council in Somerset"

Planning ApplicationsMon, 10th February 2025

Planning Applications

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App. No.ViewLocationProposalStatus
24/03132/VAR Homewood Park Hotel , Homewood, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7TBVariation of conditions 2 (Bat and Wildlife Protection and Mitigation Scheme (Pre-commencement), 3 (Ecological Management Plan (EMP) (Pre-occupation)), 6 (Parking (Pre-occupation), 7 (Turning Space (Pre-occupation)), 8 (Bicycle Storage (Pre-occupation)), 9 (Travel Plan (Pre-occupation)), 12 (Implementation of Landscaping Scheme (Bespoke Trigger), 13 (Sustainable Construction (Pre-occupation)) and 16 (Plans List (Compliance) of application 21/04590/FUL (Erection of rear, side and front extension to existing spa, 6no new guest suites, new meeting / events space, admin office and ancillary accommodation following demolition of existing stables, garage and other outbuildings. Provision of additional on-site car parking, soft landscaping and associated external works, drainage and services provision).
24/02709/FULHome Farm, High Street, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7SWErection of extension to garage and conversion into domestic accommodation
23/04793/FULAbbey Cottage , Park Corner, Freshford, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7UQInternal reorganisation, removal of vestibule extension. Replace most dormers with pitched/vertical rooflights and create new window openings under permitted development.
23/04390/FULParcel 1200, High Street, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East SomersetCreation of new vehicular access into field
23/04178/FULDunkirk Mill , Rosemary Lane, Freshford, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7UDWorks to timber studwork partitions to the lower ground floor, amendments to existing staircase to lower ground floor, reduction in the area of external decking to the north of the mill and to lift and re-lay existing roof tiles.
23/03941/FULChalliscombe , Pipehouse, Freshford, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7UJErection of single storey link between host dwelling and existing annex and amalgamation, revisions to the dormer windows to the front and rear elevations.
23/01619/FULBuildings South Of The Stables, Pipehouse, Freshford, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset,Conversion and alteration of agricultural buildings to 5 No. dwellings, demolition of barn and erection of single storey garage, and landscaping, drainage and access works.
23/01495/FULThe Old Brewery , Midford Road, Midford, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7DEWorks to repair a collapsed retaining stone wall
23/00561/FULNewlands , Wellow Lane, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7SUInstall replacement wall frames and roof to existing conservatory.
23/00198/FULWoodmans Cottage , Friary Wood Lane, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7UEReplacement of old septic tank with modern off-mains septic tank compliant with 2014 regulations
22/03691/FULDunkirk Mill , Rosemary Lane, Freshford, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7UDErection of oak frame garage (Retrospective)
22/01809/LBA40 High Street, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7SNInternal alterations for the installation of through floor lift.
22/00927/FULPriory Cottage, Abbey Lane, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7TDSingle storey extension to garage (Resubmission of 21/00233/FUL, with adjusted position of garden machinery store, retaining existing volumes as approved).
22/00443/FULPond House , Rosemary Lane, Freshford, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7UDPartial demolition of ancillary outbuilding and conversion of remaining building into granny annex. Erection of 2no. single storey extensions following demolition of the south-west end of the existing dwelling.
22/00405/FULRiver House, Friary Wood Lane, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7UEConstruction of an outdoor in-ground swimming pool and fenced enclosure
22/00083/FULSomer Cottage, Midford Road, Midford, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7DEErection of two single storey extensions and alterations to existing extension. Demolition of existing garage.
21/05518/FULSomer Cottage, Midford Road, Midford, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7DERelocation of front entrance door to existing window opening
21/05465/FULPerrycroft, Midford Lane, Limpley Stoke, Bath, Wiltshire, BA2 7DFEnlarge existing garage with bed/sitting room and terrace over and glazed roof to link
21/04967/FULFoxglove Cottage, Bath Road, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7SDModifications to existing roof, erection of replacement side extension and replacement outbuilding
21/04790/FULHomewood Park Hotel Homewood Hinton Charterhouse Bath Bath And North East Somerset BA2 7TBErection of a kitchen extension, cold store and new staff facilities
21/04590/FULHomewood Park Hotel, Homewood, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7TBErection of rear, side and front extension to existing spa, 6no new guest suites, new meeting / events space, admin office and ancillary accommodation following demolition of existing stables, garage and other outbuildings. Provision of additional on-site car parking, soft landscaping and associated external works, drainage and services provision.
21/04569/FULCrewcroft Barn, Hinton Hill, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7PZBarn conversion and alterations to the original building using a traditional construction method, including a raised roof height 6no skylights to facilitate 2no additional bedrooms at the second floor (Revised proposal)
21/04477/FULPhoenix Cottage, Park Corner, Freshford, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7UQRecladding house and replacement windows
21/03901/FULCrewcroft Barn, Hinton Hill, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7PZBarn conversion and alterations to the original building to form straw bale Passivhaus standard dwelling (Revised proposal).
21/03752/FULThe Willows, Pipehouse, Freshford, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7UJExtending an existing residential annex into a standalone residential property
21/03618/FUL11 Green Lane, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7TLErection of rear single and one and a half storey extension, insertion of new windows in modified openings to front elevation.
21/03028/FULHome Farm, High Street, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7SWErection of an agricultural storage building.
21/02824/ARHomewood Park Hotel, Homewood, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7TBDisplay of 4 no. post-mounted externally illuminated direction signs, 2 no. post mounted externally illuminated entrance signs, 2 no. wall-mounted non-illuminated direction signs and 6no close boarded fence mounted non-illuminated photographic signs.
21/02755/FUL21 Green Lane, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7TLInternal refurbishment and alterations to glazing at rear
21/02044/FULCrewcroft Barn, Hinton Hill, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 8QTBarn conversion and alterations to the original building to form straw bale passivhaus standard dwelling.
21/01547/FULTuggys Mews, Tuggy's Lane, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7SLErection of first floor extension
21/01501/FULLand Next To 9, Wellow Lane, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East SomersetErection of two storey dwelling house with below-ground parking and provision of enabling safe footway connection to Village Centre (Resubmission of 21/00030/FUL)
21/01186/FUL Stroud Farm, Cock Lane, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7TQConversion of disused building (last used for commercial storage) to 2no. self-contained (Use Class C3) dwellings with associated gardens, terraces and parking areas
21/00917/LBAHinton House, Branch Road, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7SZInternal and external alterations for re-roofing and stabilisation of walls of former coach house and stables.
21/00678/FULFreshford & District Tennis Club, Abbey Lane, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7TDErection of pavilion/rain shelter on foundation following demolition of existing pavilion/rain shelter.
21/00444/FULHomewood Park Hotel, Homewood, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7TBConstruction of new conservatory with associated external works
21/00233/FULPriory Cottage, Abbey Lane, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7TDSingle storey extension to garage.
21/00083/LBAHall Cottage, 3 High Street, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7SWInternal and external alterations for proposed repairs and unblocking and reinstatement of the east gable window and new attic access winder stair
21/00082/FULHall Cottage, 3 High Street, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7SWProposed repairs and unblocking and reinstatement of the east gable window and new attic access winder stair
21/00030/FUL11 Wellow Lane, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7SYErection of 2 storey dwelling house and associated below-ground parking, and provision of footway to village centre
20/04390/FULCrewcroft Barn, Hinton Hill, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 8QTConversion of stone barn and replacement of existing timber clad extension at Crewcroft Barn to provide a (straw bale) Passivhaus standard dwelling (Resubmission).
20/03884/TCARose & Crown Inn, High Street, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7SNHorse Chestnut-Reduce height by up to 6m. Shape remaining canopy, reducing width over parking area by 1m.
20/03623/FULHolzern Lodge, Friary Wood Lane, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7UEErection of a single storey extension to a downstairs bedroom
20/02959/FULThe Willows, Pipehouse, Freshford, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7UJExtending an existing residential annex into a standalone residential property in an infill village setting (Resubmission)
20/02470/FUL11 Wellow Lane, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7SYErection of 3 storey dwelling house and associated below ground parking (Resubmission)
20/01838/FULFriary Cottage, Friary Wood Lane, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7UEErection of a lean-to wooden glazed structure over the back door at North facing end of property.
20/01679/FULThe Willows, Pipehouse, Freshford, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7UJExtending an existing residential annex into a standalone residential property in an infill village setting
20/01656/FUL APPEALAppeal of refused application 20/01656/FUL

Innox Lodge, High Street, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7SW
Erection of an oak framed car port
20/01656/FULInnox Lodge, High Street, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7SWErection of an oak framed car port
20/01636/FULFriary Dene, Warminster Road, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7TEAlterations to roof and installation of dormer windows
20/01397/FULCricket Pavilion, Branch Road, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7SZErection of replacement cricket pavilion and maintenance store with associated landscaping works following demolition of existing cricket pavilion.
20/00328/FUL11 Wellow Lane, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7SYErection of a three storey dwelling house and associated parking following demolition of existing garage.
20/00207/FULOrchard House , Iford Lane, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, BA2 7TGSingle storey extension to the rear of the premises. This will provide a large lounge and rear entrance lobby.
19/05285/FULFriary Dene, Warminster Road, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7TERaise height of boundary wall alongside the A36 and replace the pitched roof over the kitchen with a flat roof
19/05284/FULFriary Dene, Warminster Road, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7TEErection of car port/garden store with roof mounted solar PV array
19/05080/FULHomewood Park Hotel, Homewood, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7TBWorks to two basement areas with associated external works to form a new function space and an additional bedroom with ensuite bathroom.
19/04935/FULHomewood Lodge, Warminster Road, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, BA2 7TBAlterations to the approved scheme (19/01385/FUL) to include a first floor extension and minor internal alterations.
19/04465/TCA Walnut Grove, Rosemary Lane, Freshford, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7UDLeyland Cypress (T1&T2) - Fell
19/04324/FULHillside Farm, Wellow Lane, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7SUDemolition of old disused garage and erection of new utility building/garage.
19/03955/FULWoodmans Cottage, Friary Wood Lane, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7UEReplacement of old septic tank with modern off-mains septic tank.
19/02458/FULProspect House, Upper Mount Pleasant, Freshford, Bath, BA2 7UGErection of single story side extension following demolition of garage and creation of two parking spaces.
19/01943/FULHomewood Park Hotel, Homewood, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7TBExtension to garden terrace and erection of single storey outbuilding.
19/01210/FUL RetrospectiveRainbow Cottage, Friary Wood Lane, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7UEReplacement of existing septic tank and soakaway with sewage plant. (retrospective)
19/01045/FUL16 The Green, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7TJConversion of existing 3/4 bedroom cottage back to an earlier configuration to form 2no. 2 bedroom cottages
19/00810/FUL Pond House, Rosemary Lane, Freshford, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7UDExtension and alterations to Pond House (Revised Application)
19/00705/FUL Chapel House, Pipehouse, Freshford, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7UJExtensions to studio and addition of outbuildings following removal of existing sheds.
19/00103/FULTuckers Cottage, Park Corner, Freshford, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7UQDemolition of existing single storey extension at the rear of the cottage and replacement with a two storey extension.
18/05167/FULThe Malthouse, 7 High Street, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7SWErection of a double Edwardian Orangery with associated building works.
18/04794/FULHomewood Lodge, Homewood, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7TBChange of use from residential to additional 10 bed hotel accommodation with replacement of conservatory and provision of internal access road
18/04270/FUL Barn Adjacent To Woodmans Cottage, Friary Wood Lane, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath,Change of use of stone barn to allow for teaching craft based courses (D1 use), to include use of adjoining paddock for occasional parking associated with D1 use.
18/04121/FULHinton House, Branch Road, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7SZErection of new horticultural glasshouse and estate workshop following the demolition of existing modern workshops & kennels, redundant glass houses, polytunnel and remnant horticulture structures.
18/04014/FULThe Kiln 4 Wellow Lane Hinton Charterhouse Bath Bath And North East Somerset BA2 7SU Erection of extensions and alterations following demolition of the existing flat roof extensions
18/03771/TCASt John The Baptist Church, The Green, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7TJ26 no. Yew Trees - 30% reduction1 no. Cypress - Pruning to create balanced canopy1 no. Sycamore - Removal of eastern stem
18/03202/FULLower Hinton Farm, Wellow Lane, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, BA2 7SYConstruction of a livestock building, 2no. silage clamps and concrete hardstanding including the demolition of an existing building
18/02730/FUL Under appealHomewood Park Hotel, Homewood, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7TBErection of a temporary marquee for 5 months each year for the next 3 years
18/02591/FULPond House, Rosemary Lane, Freshford, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7UDErection of two storey and single storey side extension and associated landscaping
18/01773/FULHinton House, Branch Road, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7SZInstallation of replacement tennis court; estate yard and storage building; removal of existing menage area; and associated landscaping.
18/01741/FULRiver House , Friary Wood Lane, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, BA2 7UEErection of replacement workshop for mixed use as agricultural (sui generis) and rural skills (D1) (Retrospective)
18/01255/FULThe Close, The Batch, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7STErection of detached two-storey garage to include a first-floor study following demolition of existing garage.
18/00845/LBAGreen Lane House, Green Lane, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7TInternal alterations for the reconfiguring of room layout and repositioning of main staircase
18/00838/FULIford Manor , Iford Lane, Freshford, Bath, BA15 2BARelocation of existing cafe to new ancillary cafe (through conversion and new build); demolition of modern outbuilding; re-use and repair of Great Barn as heritage welcome centre; and associated landscaping works including alterations to boundary walls to create new pedestrian and disabled access, and alteration to car park entrance.
17/06213/FULBarn Adjacent To Woodmans Cottage, Friary Wood Lane, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath,Change of use of existing barn from agricultural to B2 (General Industry) use. Addition of chimney and internal dividing wall.
17/06106/FULHinton House, Branch Road, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7SZInstallation of helipad
17/06015/FULMiddle Garth, 14 Wellow Lane, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7SUTo demolish existing extension and replace with orangery.
17/05991/FUL1 Green Lane, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath BA2 7TLErection of single storey rear extension and addition of dormer window to rear wing
17/05825/FULFreshford & District Tennis Club, Abbey Lane, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7TDProposed erection of new flood light to second court
17/05070/FUL Hinton House, Branch Road, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7SInstallation of helipad
17/04356/FUL 11 Wellow Lane, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7SYErection of a four bedroom detached house on garden of No. 11 Wellow Lane
17/02857/FULHinton House, Branch Road, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7SZFormation of revised access and associated boundary treatment to Green Lane access way.
17/01374/FULHigh Prospect, Upper Mount Pleasant, Freshford, Bath, BA2 7UGAlterations to fenestration, erection of canopy porch to front door and provision of rooflights to main roof.
17/00550/FULThe Malthouse, 7 High Street, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7SWInstallation of a pre-fabricated timber summerhouse
17/00233/FUL 9 Hinton Villas, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7SSConstruction of pre-fabricated Garage within Garden.
16/06133/FUL Freshford Mill, Rosemary Lane, Freshford, Bath, BA2 7PLErection of 1no. dwelling following demolition of existing building.
16/06132/FUL Freshford Mill, Rosemary Lane, Freshford, Bath, BA2 7PLErection of 7 no. dwellings and associated landscaping.
16/05451/FULThe Cottage, Pipehouse Lane, Freshford, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7UHErection of extension to form annexe and conversion of garage. (Resubmission of 16/04591/FUL)
16/05421/FULPriory Cottage, Abbey Lane, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7TDErection of single storey extension
16/05270/FUL26 High Street, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7SWErection of first floor rear extension.
16/04591/FULThe Cottage, Pipehouse Lane, Freshford, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7UHErection of extension to form annexe
16/04243/FUL9 Hinton Villas, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7SSErection of single storey extension to side of dwelling following demolition of existing side extension (Resubmission) (Amended Description)
16/04017/FULHomewood Farm, Pipehouse, Freshford, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7UJConversion of barn to single dwelling
16/03145/FULLower Barn, Tuggy's Lane, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7SLProvision of new vehicular access (Wellow Lane) and improvements, alterations and enlargement, including erection of garage and store room, of existing building known as Lower Barn (AKA Tuggy's Barn) in accordance with the approved details pursuant to the original grant of planning consent (Application 12/03378/FUL).
16/02735/FUL9 Hinton Villas, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7SSErection of two storey side extension and detached garage with driveway and dropped kerb to the front of property following demolition of existing side extension
16/02247/FUL Hinton House, Branch Road, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7SZErection of new pool house extension following demolition of existing garages and pool plant room; erection of replacement 1990s kitchen extension; external alterations to the principal house; reinstatement of eastern C18 driveway and associated alterations to Farleigh Lodge access; resurfacing of Branch Road access and reformation of parking area; replacement of log store; removal of existing tennis court; formation of new eastern ha-ha; burying of power cables, and associated site-wide hard and soft landscaping works.
16/01618/LBAHinton House, Branch Road, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7SZExternal alterations for repair works including: roof repairs; re-pointing rubble stone elevations; replacement rainwater goods; repair damaged external joinery; replacement of concealed roof light; installation of lead hoods over vent extracts; installation of 'man-safe' system to flat roof areas and installation of flue linings and lightening protection system.
16/00729/VARRentokil Tropical Plants, Pipehouse Nursery, Pipehouse, Freshford, Bath,Variation of condition 17 (plans list) of application 14/01495/VAR (Erection of 10 no. dwellings, including access road, car parking and hardstanding, landscaping and associated works and services following demolition of existing buildings and structures).
16/00359/FUL 1 The Glebe, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7SBErection of loft conversion and alterations to raise roof ridge height by 600mm.
14/04916/TCAThe Old School, The Green, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7TJ1x Silver Birch- Crown lift to 3-4m1x Apple- Fell1x Hazel- Coppice1x Yew- Crown lift to 3m
14/04631/FUL46 High Street, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7SNErection of single storey extension
14/04528/FULDunkirk Mill, Rosemary Lane, Freshford, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7UDInstallation of new hydroelectric turbine to replace existing
14/04089/FULDunkerron, 12 Wellow Lane, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7SUErection of single storey rear and side extension following demolition of existing
14/04073/FUL Innox Lodge , High Street, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, BA2 7SWNew flue to front elevation of outbuilding
14/03975/FULDolphin House, Park Corner, Freshford, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7UQErection of a single storey timber framed garden room to front elevation replacing bay window
14/03754/FUL2 The Green, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7TJErection of single storey front extension following the removal of existing extension
14/02729/FULDormers, The Green, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath BA2 7TJErection of two storey side extension following the demolition of existing single storey twin garage
14/02058/LBA9 Green Lane, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7TLInternal and external work including replacement windows and doors, installation of a rear dormer window and alterations to existing kitchen layout.
14/01694/FULRock Cottage, Rosemary Lane, Freshford, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7UFErection of two storey extension following demolition of existing single storey pitched roof porch and retaining wall and associated landscaping works.
14/01495/FUL (note this is not in Hinton Parish but directly affects parishioners)Rentokil Tropical Plants Pipehouse Nursery, Pipehouse, Freshford, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7UJErection of 10 no. dwellings, including access road, car parking and hardstanding, landscaping and associated works and services following demolition of existing buildings and structures.
13/04530/FULThe Close, The Batch, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7STErection of two storey rear extension following the demolition of garage building.
13/04172/FUL4 Hinton Villas, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7SSErection of a two storey rear extension.
13/03958/FULThe Homestead, 2 Wellow Lane, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7SUErection of single storey side and rear extension. Extension of oriel window
13/03764/FUL23 Green Lane, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7TLConversion of attic into 2 bedrooms with installation of conservation roof lights, works to southern elevation and raising of roof to rear garden room, removal of garage doors and replace with new door.
13/03153/FULParcel 6930, Iford Lane, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath,Installation of a 20m column mast with 6 no. antennas, 3 no. 300mm dishes, radio equipment housing and ancillary development at the south east field corner, land at Farleigh Plain, The Iford Manor Estate, Hinton Charterhouse NGR 378842, 158150
13/02434/LBAThe Mill House, Midford Road, Midford, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7DERelocation of bathroom approved in the original consent and move the second bathroom from the ground floor to an new 'pod' on the second floor
13/02251/FULFreshford & District Tennis Club, Abbey Lane, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7TDAlterations to the existing clubhouse to provide changing rooms, club room and access for disabled persons. (Resubmission)
​18/04121/FULHinton House, Branch Road, Hinton Charterhouse, Bath, Bath And North East Somerset, BA2 7SZErection of new horticultural glasshouse and estate workshop following the demolition of existing modern workshops & kennels, redundant glass houses, polytunnel and remnant horticulture structures.